From Festivals to Fayres: How to Avoid Claims from Summer Events


The sun has finally begun to creep through the clouds and it's beginning to feel more like summer here in the UK. And with the six weeks school holidays just around the corner, a vast calendar of warm weather events is beginning to kick-off.

From music festivals to village fayres, charity fun days to beer garden gigs, it's time to make the most of the weather. However, take note of the below points to avoid any unwanted insurance claims.

Give Out Paper Plates and Plastic Cups

Smashed pint glasses or dropped plates can be extremely sharp and can cut deep. Therefore, if you're planning an event where there will be intoxicated adults or young children running and playing it may be safer to go plastic.

Not only will these be safer and minimise the likelihood of a claim, but they're disposable so will save you on washing up too.

Hire Security to Stand Guard

Whether it's to stop people taking food and drink into certain areas or to break up brawls should they happen, hiring security staff could provide you with peace of mind that someone is in the vicinity at all times, meaning you can concentrate on doing your real job.

These staff will be able to nip anti-social behaviour in the bud as soon as it breaks out and get help to any injured people straight away should they take a tumble. As a result, damaged property is less likely and, consequently, so is the need to make a claim.

Be Alert and Don't Serve Visibly Intoxicated People

If someone keeps returning to the bar, it may seem tempting to continue to serve them. After all, it'll make you more money. However, serving someone who is visibly intoxicated can not only result in you getting fined and possibly having your license revoked, but it could also lead to numerous situations such as antisocial behaviour or injury.

Be friendly and talk to your customers, but use this as a way of determining if the customer is impaired at the same time. Try not to stack drinks and, if you do need to cut someone off, be as calm, consistent and polite as you can be.

Play by the Rules

If an event is going well, it is easy to get carried away and bend the rules a bit. However, if you trade beyond your license hours or get reported to the Environmental Health Department for late night noise disturbance, your case will not be looked upon favourably should you need to make a claim.

Rules are made for a reason, so keep to them and put your best foot forward.

Check Hire Companies' Licenses and Policies

Whether you're hiring food trucks or a bouncy castle, mobile bar or a helter skelter, always insist to see their paperwork. This will show if they have insurance or not, and who is liable should an accident occur. If you find out you will be liable, this will provide you with ample time to get covered or find another supplier.

Compare Insurance Quotes

If you find yourself requiring business insurance and would like a competitive quote, we can help. Search our site for your required policy and compare quotes online today.

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