When you take out an insurance policy, many people rightly assume you will be able to make a claim should an accident or harm occur. However, it is not uncommon for a claim application to be denied because the policy holder has breached the terms of contract.
It is essential that you read all of the paperwork when taking out cover. Why? Well, not being able to make a small claim of a few hundred pounds is bad enough, but imagine if there is a fire or flood and there's tens of thousands of pounds' worth of damage to your property or assets.
Stay covered by reading about some of the most common ways policy holders unintentionally invalidate their insurance cover policies:
Our Expert Team Can Explain It All
If you need business insurance and think you may have been guilty of making these mistakes in the past, speak to one of our experienced team today. Not only can they help you find and compare business insurance quotes, but they'll explain the policy and ensure you're aware of the fine print. Call 0333 202 6240 today.
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