Whether you drive a van or a HGV, a luxury vehicle or a motorbike, if driving from place to place is a part of your job description, sit up and take note of these top tips for staying safe on the road.
Take Regular Breaks
Driving three or four hours without a break may not seem long, especially when you've had a long day and are dying to get home, but it is important to take a break even for a short period of time. 20% of all road accidents are caused by driver fatigue and these crashes are 50% more likely to cause death or serious injury.
Stopping to have a drink, something to eat or use the restroom will give your body and mind a chance to relax for a few moments and reenergise in order to help you concentrate for the rest of your drive. It is also advised that you avoid long journeys between midnight and 6am, but if not possible drink plenty of coffee and plan regular, safe stops along the way.
Minimise Distractions
Texting, eating, using a map, fiddling with a sat nav, they're all distractions that could take your attention away from the road for a split second and could cause an accident. In fact, a recent study has found that 22% of all road accidents are caused by distractions and drivers who take part in a secondary action while driving are 2 to 3 times more likely to get into a crash.
To minimise this, invest in hands-free mobile devices that will announce directions out loud and if you get hungry, pull over to enjoy a snack.
Obey the Speed Limit
"Everyone does it", "I wasn't going that fast" - both probably sound like familiar excuses you have heard other drivers saying on occasion to try and justify driving over the speed limit.
Even if you 'feel' in control, speed limits are in place for a reason and are used to minimise risk. Not only will you get penalty points or even your driving licence revoked if caught breaking the law, but you could seriously hurt yourself, others, or damage property. And how will you do your job without a licence?
Inspect Your Vehicle
Before partaking in any long car journey it is important to run a number of maintenance checks on your vehicle. You may have an established company checklist to run through, but, if not, make sure to consider elements such as:
Ensure You’re Insured
Last but not least, make sure that your business vehicle has the correct insurance cover. You may never have to make a claim, but it is better to be prepared just in case the worst does happen.
Compare deals on all kinds of business insurance, from fleet to HGV, here
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