With personal finances tight for many, finding cheap van insurance quotes has never been so important. Here is a quick guide from Van Compare to help you lower the cost of the van insurance quotes you receive.
Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, you should never simply snap up the first van insurance quotes you receive. The world of van insurance quotes is a competitive market, so the chances of the first van insurance quotes you receive being the cheapest is highly unlikely. Shop around. And the best way of doing this: Van Compare. We make shopping around for cheap van insurance quotes quick and easy, contacting the UK’s leading insurers on your behalf.
An important factor to remember is the size of your van. A larger van is likely to attract more expensive van insurance quotes. Therefore, buy precisely the right size van for the intended use. Too small and you will be unable to go about your business efficiently; too big and you will find yourself paying over the odds.
Security is another integral factor in helping you receive cheap van insurance quotes. The more secure your van, the lower the van insurance quotes. By keeping your van locked away safely in a garage overnight and by fitting security devices approved by your insurance provider, you will be able to reduce the cost of your van insurance quotes considerably.
It is also a good idea to invest in an older vehicle in the first place. The older the van the less its monetary worth, so the cost of a direct replacement will be less in comparison to replacing a more valuable modern van.
Renowned money saving expert, Martin Lewis, believes an excellent way to receive cheap van insurance quotes is to increase the excess on your policy.
“It’s worth considering a policy with a higher excess amount (the amount of any claim you need to pay yourself). Many people will find that making a claim for less than £500 worth of damage increases both the future cost of insurance as well invalidating no-claims bonuses, so it’s not always worth making a claim.”
“So why pay extra for a lower excess? A few policies will substantially reduce payments for a £1,000 excess, so try this when finding your van insurance quotes. Of course the one downside to this is if you need to make a bigger claim you’ll have to shell out more, so it’s important to weigh up the risks.”
Another method of reducing the cost of the van insurance quotes you receive is to take an advanced driving course. Although this does cost an initial amount in excess of £100, many insurance companies offer generous discounts to those who have passed such a course, so you will easily be able to recoup the initial cost over just a couple of years.
Finally, ensure you inform your insurer of any change in your circumstances. If you move house or take a new job then this could lead to cheaper van insurance quotes, helping you to save money.
Here at Van Compare we specialise in finding our customers some of the cheapest van insurance quotes around. We have built up working relationships with over twenty of the nation’s leading insurers, giving us access to van insurance quotes you would not be privy to if you contacted the insurer directly.
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